Dear Family and Friends:
I thought I had better drop you off a line and explain what is going on with me.
As you know, I had corpal Tunnel Surgery On Oct 1, 2008. I got a long with the surgery really well. I went in on the following Monday to see the Dr. and we re-dressed the wound, and everything was going really well. However, on Saturday the 11th we took Dave to Dinner for his birthday. We were sitting in Dave' car giving him a present. He left and Dolores and I got into her car to go home. Of a Sudden the pain hit really hard. So we went to the emergency room. My hand was really red and swollen around the wound. My surgeon was not available, of course, so His partner came. She determined that if it were an infection the stitches would have to come out. The wound was so swollen that she had to dig deep for every stich. I thought I would die. But I did get even with her. They wanted to take a Culture of the wound to see if there was and what kind of infection there was. As soon as she touched the swab to the wound, it exploded. Blood went everywhere. All down the front of her beautiful sweater, all over the ceiling the walls. It was a mess.
I went back to see my surgeon on Monday. He re-dressed it and sent me back to the LDS Hospital wound care. They poked and proded etc. Miserable. I wnet back in on wednesday, all was still doing well. When we went back in in Friday My hand was swollen and the red was moving up my arm. You should have seen all of the Drs. that came piling into the room then. 2 from infectious Deasese. A Cardiologist and through the week several others. They decided to admit me to the Hospital. I was there for the next 5 days. They began and IV drip of Cannocylin(sp) Highest dose of antibiotic you can get. It is only givien through and IV. Every day during the 5 day stay I was prpared for surgery. And everyday the Dr would keep saying well, let wait and see. The first surgery they gave me was a Local. But he said that if they had to opporate again It would have to be General and that with my heart it would be a last resort. Well, with the blessiings of the Lord in a couple of day the swelling began to leave. And I also left the Hospital with a Pick line. I still have 7 more days of out-patient treatment. I go every morning and they hookme up to an IV. It takes about 2 hrs. I still have to go to wound care. I am thankful tha I still have the use of my hand. Thank you all for your prayers on my behalf
Love DavidartZone Communications Center: Drafts (4)
August 13, 2023
5 days ago